Reconnective Healing™
This is a “Hands off” energy healing that takes place for 30 to 45 minutes. During these sessions it is not necessary and in fact not recommended that you meditate, pray, or attach to any specific outcome. Be receptive to the experience, knowing that you are participating in a positive and exciting process brought to you from God/Love/Universe/The Divine (choose one), and intended to give you exactly what you may need at this time. Upon completion of the session, we will share the details of the experience.
Through Reconnective Healing™ many have experienced one or more of the following:
•Feelings of bliss and peacefulness
•Permanent disappearance of illness and ailments
•Spiritual healing – sense of “oneness” with the universe
•A feeling of the presence of angels and/or deceased loved ones.
•Release and complete recovery from emotional trauma
•Life changing revelations
It is through this work that all I have known is put aside, and all that is possible arises.
The Reconnection™
Originally the meridian lines on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. The Reconnection™ brings in and activates axiatonal lines that are part of a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body. These lines allow for the exchange of light and information, the reconnections of DNA strands and the reintegration of ‘strings’ (simultaneously occurring on parallel planes of existence).
Please Note: While it is not required, it is suggested that you experience 1-3 Reconnective Healing™ sessions prior to receiving The Reconnection™ work.
“This subtle work penetrates to the core of my cellular memory, gently releasing old traumas, while simultaneously restoring a new vitality to my body.”
“I found the Reconnective Healing work by K'Lea to be one of the more useful body energy experiences that I have had. I was in the midst of some deep grief and change.”
“K'Lea is very attentive and gives me adequate space for my own experience to emerge.”
Session Information:
Clothing: Wear comfortable clothes. You will be resting face-up (shoes off) on a massage table during the sessions.
Scents: Avoid perfume and the use of scented soaps, hair and/or skin care before your sessions. Sessions should be as fragrance-free as possible.
“In the spring of 2002 I experienced a miracle healing in a reconnective healing session. Two months later I began my path of learning Reconnective Healing™ & The Reconnection™ with Dr. Eric Pearl.”
~K’Lea Andreas