Soul Motion ™
An accessible and transformative movement modality open to those who have never set foot in a dance class as well as those who have danced their whole lives. In this conscious dance practice we move with the Four Relational Landscapes of Intimate, Communion, Community, and Infinity. Along with the Three Core Principles, Pause Presence, Orbit Orientation, and Echo Inspiration.
Movement explorations within the dance of the Intimate Self, a place of listening to the inner callings of the body, soul, and heart. We surrender to our authentic nature until the dance is born from the place of spirit.
Developing this inner presence prepares us for the dance of Communion, where we engage in relationship with one other and the valuable teachings that arise from these interactions.
As we unfold into the landscape of Community, we realize our interdependence and interconnectedness with each other, and the inspiration that comes with that perspective.
After this we Return home to a renewed sense of Self, one that is connected to the freedom of Infinite Oneness in our being, embracing an expanded experience of compassion for ourselves and each other. Where we embody the ecstasy of being alive. Finding the common thread that binds us all as one, where we connect to the divine and hold in our hearts compassion for all.
Points of View
Pause Presence is a practice that brings in the meditative aspect where we recharge, align, and relax.
With a focus and awareness on both our inner process and the outer space we gather a balanced perspective. Expanding this to a 360º Orbit Orientation that encompasses all within and around us we move with an increased sensitivity of who we are. Individual creative expression opens the door to embracing and exploring movement with curiosity during which we naturally engage in the present moment from an expanded sense of Self.
Echo Inspiration is where we are inspired by others and become an inspiration for others. This happens all the time in our daily life and when we give ourselves permission to dance with it we open to new ways of moving that we would have never come to alone, and realize that when we are in our groove we are truly and inspiration.
To listen to an interview with the designer of Soul Motion, Vinn Martí, click here