The 5Rhythms ®:
Flowing ~ Staccato ~ Chaos ~ Lyrical ~ Stillness
This movement practice brings us into a deeper connection with our body and the rhythms of the world around us. Each rhythm is a profound teacher, we may resonate and feel comfortable with some rhythms and others may be foreign to us. With each we gain valuable insights about ourselves and each other. By dancing the 5Rhythms and allowing ourselves to surrender to the teachings of each rhythm we are carried to places of depth, focus, understanding, freedom, and healing. When moving through each of the 5Rhythms in sequence we are dancing The Wave, a therapeutic conduit for accessing our authenticity and liberation.
• FLOWING – a continuum of movement opening to our inner truth. Grounded in the fluidity of our weight, Flowing delivers us to our feet. By opening to the flow of our Being and our capacity for receptivity we become conscious of our needs and our ability to nurture them.
• STACCATO – the teacher of loving boundaries, outward expression, and edges. The percussive nature of Staccato is our pathway to clarity, taking action for what we care about, the warrior, protector, and ambassador of our heart.
• CHAOS – a surrender, letting go, and releasing all that keeps us from knowing our true self. Chaos asks us to absolve ourselves of all we think we know to be “right or wrong” and” good or bad” to let loose of all that ties us to ridged constructs of the mind so that the truth can set us free.
• LYRICAL – the effortless rhythm of trance where we ride on the music of our soul. The times in our life where we are living in our integrity with a lightness of soulful presence we are in the energy field of Lyrical. It is the rhythm that connects us to humanity and all living creatures on this earth.
• STILLNESS – a state of vibrant presence where we are completely full and empty at the same time. Where all the rhythms of our dance are resonating within us and we become one with All. Stillness is where the healing energy of life comes and envelops us in its mystery and magnificence.